Before Paul White was retained, as a recognized propofol expert, I was asked, by Murray’s attorney, Michael Flanagan, to defend Conrad Murray’s care of Michael Jackson.
In Flanagan’s attempt to impress me, I was told Murray was such a ‘great’ doctor he didn’t start an IV when performing cardioversion. Flanagan represented that Murray simply put the propofol directly into the patient’s vein.
Upon hearing this description of Murray’s usual practice, my jaw dropped open & my eyes grew large with astonishment & disbelief.
I told Mr. Flanagan that he DID impress me but NOT in the manner in which he was intending. I added there was not any language to adequately describe the degree of recklessness that such an act would involve.
Although Murray had hospital privileges to perform cardiac catheterization with propopfol sedation with audible pulse oximetry monitoring, it is clear from his above described conduct, in addition to the ‘care’ of Michael Jackson, that Murray does not believe the usual safety precautions apply to him. It is not a lack of knowledge that led Murray to conduct himself in such a regular, reckless manner but the fact he is a sociopath.
Murray is a disgrace to the medial profession and never deserves to again hold a license to practice.